
**Free Consultation** 

Please do note that all initial consultations with me are free. Come in to meet me so that you can get a feel for the treatments that I offer.

I would like to be able to put your mind at ease and talk through your concerns. As soon as I have met you, I will be able to understand more about what's going on.

No two treatments are the same, I completely tailor sessions to your needs. Initially, we will run a posture exam, assessments, check for blockages so we know what's happening with your body, and only from there will we discuss treatments and I will be able to recommend a schedule of care.

You don’t have to decide there and then what action to take, but simply take away the information I gave you and act upon it at your will.

“Each person has their own unique experience. All services are designed with one goal in mind: To feel free and live with total ease.”

Spinal Flow®

The Spinal Flow Technique is a profound and magical experience in which aid is given to the body in triggering its own natural innate intelligence, allowing it to learn, heal, digest, and grow.

Founded by Dr Cali Axford, an Austrailian Chiropractor with a passion for change.

As Dr Carli Axford discovered the wisdom the body contains, she began developing what would become the 7 gateways of the spine and her signature 33 access points to allow more people to heal.

Dr Carli’s quest for knowledge has seen her learn a raft of different healing modalities –  including network spinal analysis, bio geometric integration, torque release technique, sacro occipital technique, applied kinesiology, neuro emotional technique and EFT – but she instinctively knew the 7 gateways of the spine offered the simplest tool for healing.

“In my experience, stress is the number one cause of pain and symptoms like depression, anxiety, chronic fatigue, sleep problems and digestive issues,” she says.

The science of the human body has always enthralled me - the anatomy and biology of the skeletal system, the soft tissues and our amazing nervous system and spinal cord are incredible. When we acknowledge that the thoughts in our brain are felt throughout the body- particularly things like gut feelings, our heart being in our mouths or having a lump in our throats - then it philosophically holds true that how we feel connects to how our body functions. Every part of us connects. Our inside is connected to our outside.

We are connected to our own self, our family, our community, our environment, to the planet and so on. There is no separation. When we believe our bodies and feelings are somehow separate or disconnected, that’s when spinal blockages – and their close companions that I call pain, dis-ease and illness – begin to form.

When our body doesn't have the tools to release the emotional, physical or chemical stress the body experiences, then it’s my experience that spinal blockages happen. These blockages cause suffering and keep the nervous system in fight:flight mode, inhibiting the body’s natural ability to learn, heal, digest and grow.

“The 7 gateways of the spine tell us so much about how a person has lived and experienced life, but more importantly where they hold stress,” she says.

Spinal Flow Technique is designed to help the brain reconnect with the body and its experiences through the seven gateways of the spine and the 33 access points. The touch-led healing sessions of Spinal Flow Technique work with an individual’s state of consciousness and functional anatomy to support trust for the body-mind to reconnect and integrate the emotional, physical and chemical stress.

The seven gateways of the spine give us a framework to understand the body-mind and enable transformation from disconnection and stress into a state of peace and wellbeing.

Access Bars®

Founded and Co-founded by Gary Douglas and Dr. Dain Heer. Access Consciousness Bars is an energy-clearing process that involves lightly touching 32 points on the head. This process can help in many ways. Removal of negative energy, redundant thoughts and beliefs, physical and emotional pains, brain fog, and much more!

If you’re looking for complete stress relief and clear mental clutter, The Bars can help. It’s rather like cleaning up the hard drive of your mental computer. You’re hitting ‘delete’ on the junk folder and creating more space for new useful uploads. Furthermore, Access Bars helps to stop those automatic self-limiting thought programs that come up and disrupt what you’re trying to achieve.

What appears to happen is that as the practitioner touches the points that correlate to head meridians, they discharge the energy that holds the limiting beliefs in place in the neural connections of your brain. It frees up energy to help you be more energised and calmer. Many people say they feel more space in their head – as if it’s been decluttered.

Access Bars has various benefits for physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Here are some of the potential benefits:

  1. Stress Reduction: Access Bars is known for its ability to reduce stress and induce a deep state of relaxation. The gentle touch on the Bars may help release tension and promote a sense of calm.

  2. Increased Clarity: Many people report improved mental clarity and a greater sense of mental space after an Access Bars session. This can lead to better decision-making and problem-solving.

  3. Emotional Release: The Bars points are believed to store emotional and energetic blockages. Receiving an Access Bars session may facilitate the release of negative emotions, allowing for greater emotional freedom and well-being.

  4. Improved Sleep: Some individuals experience better sleep patterns and improved sleep quality after an Access Bars session due to reduced stress and anxiety.

  5. Enhanced Creativity: Clearing the Bars may open up channels of creativity and inspiration, helping individuals tap into their creative potential more easily.

  6. Reduced Anxiety and Depression: Access Bars may assist in alleviating symptoms of anxiety and depression by promoting relaxation and helping to release the energetic patterns associated with these conditions.

  7. Pain Relief: Although not a substitute for medical treatment, some people report temporary relief from physical discomfort and pain after an Access Bars session.

  8. Greater Mind-Body Connection: Access Bars can help individuals become more aware of the connection between their thoughts, emotions, and physical sensations. This heightened awareness can contribute to overall well-being.

  9. Enhanced Energy Levels: Many recipients of Access Bars describe feeling more energized and revitalized after a session.

  10. Release of Limiting Beliefs: Access Bars is believed to help individuals release limiting beliefs and thought patterns that may be holding them back in various aspects of life.

  11. Improved Relationships: As emotional blockages are released, some people find that their relationships with others improve, and they are better able to communicate and connect with loved ones.

  12. Greater Ease with Life: Access Bars is often described as a tool for creating greater ease and joy in life. It can help individuals let go of resistance and embrace a more positive and open perspective.


This Service Is Coming In 2024

“Let’s explore what possibilities are available to you today!”